Displays and Exhibits Policy

The Mecklenburg County Public Library welcomes the generosity of those willing to loan items to the library for public display. The library feels that displays of artwork, artifacts, and other items are an enhancement to our service and of significant value to the public at large.

However, the library is able to provide only limited insurance to cover loss or damage to items loaned to the library for display. Exhibitors desiring to ensure adequate coverage for their display items should obtain their own coverage.

If exhibited artwork is available for sale, the library will keep a price list and information on how potential purchasers may contact artists. Sale of artwork and posting of prices is prohibited in the library.

Due to space limitations, not all facilities are able to display artwork or other items. Space constraints may limit the types of items that may be displayed at certain facilities. Potential exhibitors should be aware that although the library does not censor artwork or displays, materials which are judged inappropriate or offensive will not be displayed.

Displays and exhibits will be initiated by the Library, and the Library is under no obligation to display any unsolicited submissions.




BRANCH: __________________________________ DATE: ________________________

NAME (please print): _________________________________________________________

ORGANIZATION (if applicable)________________________________________________

HOME ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________

HOME PHONE: ________________________ WORK PHONE: ____________________

EMAIL: ___________________________________________________________________

Proposed Exhibit (Please date, sign and attach an itemized list of display articles. If photograph
is available please attach)

Date Exhibit is to be placed: _________________________________________________

Date Exhibit is to be removed: __________________________________________________

I have read and agree to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in the Mecklenburg County Public
Library’s Displays & Exhibits Policy.

Exhibitor’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________

Branch Supervisor: ___________________________________ Date: _________________