High School yearbooks
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The Library's School Yearbooks collection is now available online. They are searchable. Clicking on the result will show a PDF image. The link to this database is on the upper left side of the Library's webpage, under Newspaper and School Yearbook Digital Archive.
Chilton prepare for the road
...Read MoreThe Library has ChiltonLibrary online and a large collection of books with detailed information to help you tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs.
Void Sept. 9
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Local Author Shaday Void has written a new book:
Share my Hair!
She will autograph copies Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023
From 1 to 3 p.m. in the Children's Wing.
Over 14,500 historic photos on our Flickr site
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Simpson S
chool, one of over 19,500 historic photos on our Flickr site. Check out photos of old schools, churches, and families of Vernon Parish.
Weiss Financial
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Free Financial Strength & Investment Ratings and Financial Planning Tools
How do you know if your Bank or Credit Union is financially stable? Did you pick the Best Life Insurance or Property Insurance Company? Are you getting the best deal on your Medigap Insurance? Which Mutual Fund will give you the best return? Which Stocks are the best to choose?
These questions and more can be answered by visiting the Vernon Parish Library and logging on to https://greyhouse.weissratings.com. You can also log on to from home with a valid Vernon Parish Library Card.
Financial Ratings Series Online, powered by Weiss Ratings and Grey House Publishing, gives you accurate, independent ratings and financial planning tools you need to make INFORMED DECISIONS about your insurance, banking and investment options.
How to Find the Safest Bank or Credit Union in Your Area
How to Avoid the Weakest Insurance Companies… and How to Find the Best Ones
How to Pick the Best Medigap Plan and Get the Lowest Premiums
How to Find the Best Mutual Funds… and Make Sure Your Retirement Funds are Safe
How to Pick the Best-Performing Stocks
Plus, you can create your own Personal Profile to build your own Watchlist, get Upgrade/Downgrade Alerts and log in from anywhere!
Financial Ratings Series Online users have said…
• “Provides one-stop shopping in a user-friendly online format for consumers, investors, investment analysts, money managers, and students.”
• “Astonishing information, all in one place, that took about two minutes to locate. I really admire the power and simplicity.”
Financial Ratings Series Online is designed to direct you toward safe banking and insurance options and strong investments while helping you avoid unnecessary risk that could lead to financial losses.
Free Computer Classes
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Free Computer Courses
Register at Circulation Desk
Mon. Sept. 11, 10 to 12 : Tablets & Smartphone (bring your own tablet/smartphone}
Monday Sept. 11, 1 to 3 p.m.: E-Mail
Tues. Sept. 19, 10 to 12 p.m.: Word/Excel
Tues. Sept. 19. 1 to 3 p.m.: Tablets/Smartphones (bring your own tablet/smartphone)
Tues. Sept. 26, 10 to 12: E-mail
Tues. Sept. 26, 1 to 3 p.m.: Word/Excel
Mother Goose Storytime
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Mother Goose Storytime for preschool children
Every Wed. & Sat. 10 a.m.
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Hoopla Digital is here! Thousands of movies, television shows, music albums and audiobooks are available for download on moble devices and online access (hoopladigital.com). Patrons can enjoy thousands of titles, from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers, available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary downloading to your smartphones, tablets and computers. This is offered at no cost to our patrons via browser, Android and IOS and requires only a Vernon Parish Linbrary Card to access. Apps are available for Android and Apple devices.
Follow us on facebook for the latest news, services and programs
Newspaper Database
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The Library's collection of local newspapers is now online. These can be searched, and by clicking on the results, you can print out a PDF image of the actual page. The search may be limited to title or dates or include all of the titles. All of these are available for use in the Library on microfilm as well.
The URL is: vernonparish.advantage-preservation.com
Currently, we offer these newspapers and two historical items:
Senior Advocate, 1988-90 New Llano Colonist 1927-1937
Leghorn Times (Simpson, La.) 1944-1947 Vernon Parish Democart, 1929-1930
Leesville Daily Leader, 1901-1940 (scattered issues), 1943 to date. People's Friend 1889 - 1895 (scattered issues)
Selected papers of Jack Hadnot on Vernon Parish history. Old Louisiana Plantation Homes & Family Trees
Check-out e-books through OverDrive
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OverDrive is an on-line service providing books, audiobooks, videos and music free of charge. You may check-out these items on-line and view them on your smart phone, IPAD, tablet or computer. Hundreds of books are available.
Free magazines from Zinio
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You can download many of your favorite magazines through our Zinio service. You may read the magazines on your Smart-Phone, IPAD, Tablet or Computer. Some of the popular titles are Guideposts, Newsweek, Grit, magazines on quilting, crafts, sports, cars and much more. Click on the link on our webpage to explore this new addition.
Three New Databases
...Read MoreDatabases, accessible through the La. State Databases link on our homepage, are:
ChiltonLibrary, Legal Forms and WorldBook Online.
Chilton's Library is a complete library of automotive repair manuals.
Legal Forms contains legal forms you can download and print. There are many different legal forms available.
WorldBook Online is an online encyclopedia.
Freegal music downloads
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We now offer Freegal Music.
9.5 Million+ songs /15,000+ Music Videos (Over 1 million new songs added in the last year!)
28,000 labels including the world's largest--Sony Music Entertainment
Over 200 different genres; everything from Classical Music to Rap, including Pop, Rock, Children’s, Country, Classical and many more…
Thousands of popular artists including Adele, Alicia Keys, Barbara Streisand, Bruce Springsteen, Carrie Underwood, Céline Dion, Daft Punk, Dave Matthews Band, Elvis Presley, Hozier, Kenny Chesney, Jason Aldean, Johnny Cash, John Legend, London Symphony Orchestra, One Direction, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, P!nk, Pitbull, Sara Bareilles, Santana, Yo-Yo Ma and many more…
Music from over 80 different countries
Unlimited simultaneous access for the library for both downloads and streaming
New music available the same day it shows up on I-Tunes or in the stores. New content added daily.
All content is exclusive to Freegal Music (We are a Sole Source provider for Public Libraries)
Free Mobile apps for Apple and Android devices
Freegal Music Blog- http://freegalmusic.blogspot.com/
Follow us on Twitter- https://twitter.com/FreegalMusic
MP3 songs available for free download. Many types of music, oldies and recent hits. Patrons with a valid Vernon Parish Library Card may download 5 songs per week. Music videos are also available, and count for 2 of 3 weekly points. Apps are available for quick and easy downloads. The URL is https://vernonparishla.freegalmusic.com.