
Suggestions for Purchase

The Library welcomes your purchase suggestion!  If you find we do not have a particular title in our catalog, please ask any staff member to accept a suggestion for purchase.  Suggestions for purchase may be made in person at the Library or via telephone. Requested items MUST only be a year old. If the item is older than 1 year, please try Inter Library Loan.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan is the process of obtaining materials from other libraries throughout the country. This service is available with the following restrictions and available to library patrons over the age of 18 that pay taxes in the County of Culpeper. The libraries of surrounding counties provide ILL services for the residents of those counties. Patrons requesting ILL's must provide a valid phone number at which they may be reached, as the lending library has the right to issue a recall on an item at any time. A patron may request no more than three interlibrary loan items at a time and the request must be in the name of the patron picking the item up. These items are from other institutions and may only be signed out by the person who requested them. Interlibrary loan service is free, but the patron may be charged for any shipping fees or any other charges that the normal fourth class library rate postage does not cover. Patrons will be charged $1.00 per day for overdue Interlibrary Loans.

Community Room

Our meeting room is available for public meetings of a civic, cultural, or educational character, but not for social gatherings, entertainments, dramatic productions for money-raising, or commercial purposes. Food is allowed in this room. Capacity limit: 175. Call or visit the circulation desk to make reservations. Click here for room guidelines. To check room availibility click here.

Conference room

Our conference room is available for public meetings of a civic, cultural, or educational character, but not for social gatherings, entertainments, dramatic productions for money-raising, or commercial purposes. No food is allowed in this room. Capacity limit: 20. Call or visit the circulation desk to make reservations. Click here for room guidelines. To check room availibility click here.

Study Rooms

We offer three study rooms available for small groups for meetings or study purposes.  Capacity limit of study room one and two is six (6) and capacity limit of study room three is twelve (12).  Click here for room guidelines. No food is allowed in these rooms. To check room availability click here.

Internet Access PCs

Public-use internet computers are located near the Information Desk (12) and Youth Services (2) are available for 2 hours per day per qualifying library card holder with internet use agreement form.

Adults without children are prohibited from using the computers in the Youth Services area as these are reserved for our young patrons and parents with children with them.

These computers are logged on using your library card number and your PIN. 

The Internet Use Agreement form (en español) must be signed prior to your account being Internet accessible. If you do not have a PIN number please go to the Circulation desk to set one up.

Guests over 18 may use the internet computers by visiting the Circulation Desk to recieve an access code with valid identification.

USB thumb drives and earbuds are available at the Circulation Desk for purchase.


Free Public WiFi is available using the "Culpeper Library" network. There is no password or registration required. USB thumb drives and earbuds are available at the Circulation Desk for purchase. Wifi hotspots are available for checkout. Please see XXXX page for more details. Public-use internet computers are available for 2 hours per day per qualifying library card holderwith internet use agreement form.

Wifi hotspots are available for checkout.

Wireless Printing

Printing is available in black and white and color from our computers or your own personal device.

Black and white is $0.05/page; color is $0.25.

Printing instructions are shown at each computer station or visit the Information Desk for assistance.

Printing from your mobile device, click here for instructions. 

Photocopying & Scanning

A black and white photocopier is available that can scan to a USB thumb drive.

The cost per copy is $0.15, but scanning is FREE.

Photocopying a large number of pages?  See the Information Desk for assistance.

Fax Machine

A fax machine is available next to our Information Desk.

Domestic-US faxes is $1.75 for the first page and $1 for each additional page. Scanning directly to email is available on this machine for the same price.

Payment can be made with credit card or a "FaxCash" card can be purchased at the Circulation Desk.

This is an outgoing fax machine only; Incoming faxes cannot be received with our service provider.

Books by Mail

Are you or someone you know having physical difficulty visiting our library but you want to check out books to read?  Call or visit the Circulation Desk to find out about our Books-By-Mail program which is through the Mailbox Library.  This is a free service to our patrons.