Online Resources and Databases
Bridges - Browse and download audio books and eBooks for enjoyment on your computer, eReader, or many other electronic devices.

Iowa AEA Online - Iowa Area Education Agencies provide Iowa AEA Online, consisting of eight dynamic online resources, to all Iowa accredited schools. Students and staff have access at school and at home (Internet access required), 24 hours a day, seven days a week! These online resources support the content standards for school curriculum and student learning by bringing a wealth of information to teachers and students wherever they may be, with just the click of a mouse. To learn more about these resources and how to access them, contact your teacher or teacher librarian.

HealthInfoIowa - 

Do you need help finding a nursing home in Iowa for a loved one?

Are you new in town and need to find a physician?

Have you or a family member been recently diagnosed with a disease and you need to know more about it?

These and other medically related questions can be answered through HealthInfoIowa.

HealthInfoIowa is a single, Iowa-focused Web site, with authoritative content that ranges from national health and medical databases to regional, state and local links. This Web site serves as a simple and trustworthy first stop for Iowans, to which both information consumers and providers can turn for dependable support.

816 Shakespeare Ave. Stratford, IA 50249  |  Phone 515-838-2131
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