Reviews for Who rescued who

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From Booklist, Copyright © American Library Association. Used with permission.

A delightful romp through the English countryside, Schade’s (Life on the Leash, 2018) second novel is resplendent with sheep, dogs, cats, and lovely people. Elizabeth lost her San Francisco job after saying something inappropriate during a live interview. As fate would have it, she receives a call from her recently deceased father’s brother Rowan, an uncle she didn’t even know she had, informing her of land that belongs to her. He convinces her to come to Fargrove, a quaint town west of London. Smart and savvy, Elizabeth is nonetheless unaware of how empty her life has become, utterly immersed in social media. Enter an abandoned border collie mix puppy Elizabeth discovers on a cold night. Unsure at first of what to do with a dog, Elizabeth names the sweet little girl Georgina and they become fast mates. Readers should also tune in for the romance with James, co-owner of the local Lost Dog Brewery. The people of Fargrove become dear to Elizabeth, and help her find herself and her real home, as she discovers how the love of a dog can be life changing. Beyond her irresistible story, Schade writes with beautiful descriptions. Readers will laugh, cry, and love this charmer.
