About Us - Meeting Rooms

Policy for Carbon Hill City Library, Double Springs Public Library, Haleyville Public Library, and Sumiton Public Library

The public library facilities located in Carbon Hill, Double Springs, Haleyville, and Sumiton provide no public meeting rooms, study rooms, or meeting areas. Due to the limited public space available for library services, public meetings of three (3) or more people may not be scheduled or held in the library. The Carl Elliott Regional Library System Board of Trustees authorizes library staff to provide/host library-sponsored activities in the library.

Policy for Jasper Public Library

The Carl Elliott Regional Library/Jasper Public Library facilities provide a public meeting room, but no study rooms or meeting areas. Due to the limited public space available for library services, public meetings of three (3) or more people may not be scheduled or held in the library. The Carl Elliott Regional Library System Board of Trustees authorizes library staff to provide/host library-sponsored activities in the library.

The Community Room of the Carl Elliott Regional Library System is available for public use to groups or organizations of a civic, cultural, educational, or governmental character, but it cannot be used for social or religious gatherings, money raising, or commercial purposes. Meetings involving fundraising, sales, advertising, solicitation, or promotion of products or services are not allowed.

Programs held in the library must be directed to general public participation, and admission must be free to all who wish to attend. No money may be collected from the audience, nor the meeting be designed to financially benefit any individual or group, either at the time of the meeting or at a future date. Use of the Community Room is $25 per hour. The maximum seating capacity is 70 individuals per State Fire Marshall. The Director may waive the fee for non-profit agencies or groups that are participating in partnership with the library.

Library sponsored activities are given priority in scheduling use of the Community Room at all times.

Application in person, by telephone, or letter for use of the Community Room may be made at the Regional Headquarters Office in the Carl Elliott Regional Library System Building. The room will be assigned in order in which requests are received. Scheduled meetings must be held within the library's hours of operation. No meetings, except library-sponsored programs, may be scheduled outside the library's hours of operation.

Granting of permission to use the Community Room does not constitute an endorsement by the library staff, or the Library Board of Trustees, of the users or their beliefs. The library reserves the right to revoke meeting room privileges at any time.

Each organization is limited to scheduling one meeting per month. Programs may not disrupt the use of the library by other patrons. Persons attending meetings are subject to all library rules and regulations.

Groups of individuals under the age of 21 must have an adult sponsor in attendance at their meetings at all times. Children must be supervised at all times. The library is not responsible for children left unattended in the library while their parent or guardian is in a meeting at the library.

Refreshments may not be brought into the library building without approval. Alcoholic beverages of any type may not be brought into or served in the building or on library property. Smoking is not permitted.

It is the responsibility of the group reserving the Community Room to set up the room and to return all furnishings to their original positions. The Community Room must be clean of all litter when meetings close and any display material must be installed and removed by the user. Organizations holding meetings assume responsibility for any damage to the room, contents, or equipment. Storage facilities will not be provided to any organization.

Organizations may not use the library address as their mailing address. Organizations may not state or imply that the library is sponsoring the program.

The Carl Elliott Regional Library System – Jasper Public Library accepts no liability or responsibility for any damage to person or property arising from the use of the Community Room.

This statement of policy is subject to amendment or revision, at any time, by the Board of Trustees of the Carl Elliott Regional Library System.